Lost Life Coaching – Who We Are

Hello, my Name is Jackie, I am the founder of Lost Life coaching. Qualified at level 3 ICF Registered Life Coach. I have experienced what I can only describe as a fruitful life, full of highs & lows and life lessons.

Following my separation from my ex-husband, I decided I needed to have a long hard look at myself and where my life was going.

On reflection I realised I really wasn’t looking after my mental health. I was so busy looking out for and jumping through hoops for other people that I lost sight of myself.

I found myself with low self esteem, self worth with a poor diet which resulted in making poor decisions. I was always exhausted, my body was riddled with inflammation & pain and had been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. 

Something had to change! 

I was adamant I wasn’t going to fill my body with medication so I decided to use alternative therapies. Hypnosis, Life coaching, mind, body & spirit transformation which completely change my life. 

I can honestly say it has been a complete breakthrough. I no longer suffer from the effects of Fibromyalgia. I am now living a healthy and happy life.

I now look forward to living life having dealt with life’s difficulties. I have achieved goals and fulfilled dreams I never thought were possible.  

I have personal experience of Dyslexia, difficulties in early education, Family drug and Alcohol abuse, Addiction, Domestic violence, Financial hardship, Career dissatisfaction, Business collapse, Unhealthy relationship/friendship, Supporting my own children’s struggles and career development. Grief, Bereavement, Suicide and Homicide.  

I feel passionate about helping others to achieve and thrive on their life journey.  If you are stuck in a rut and finding it difficult to move forward in order to fulfil a happy life with dreams and aspirations we can help. Pick up the phone or send me a message, we’d love to hear from you and help you find that hidden spark again! 

Gratitude statement: I want to emphasise I am forever grateful to my family & friends along with all my therapists that have helped and continue to help on my journey. Thank you